My Experience on a Private Jet

Shortly after the Christmas holidays, I had the opportunity to join my friends on a trip to Turks and Caicos. I wasn’t necessarily planning on going to a tropical destination anytime soon, but when my friend mentioned that she had an opportunity for us to go to the Caribbean on a private jet, clearly there was no hesitation.

I don’t really know where to start to tell you my experience. We boarded a Challenger 300 from Bombardier around 7am in Montreal, QC. We arrived 10 minutes before departure and got offered food and coffee upon arrival. Our bags were taken directly to the plane too.

After taking a few photos, we boarded the luxurious aircraft only to discover an A-MA-ZING cabin, and a friendly crew. We exchanged a few words with the pilot regarding the flight duration and the weather conditions, and took place on the seat of our choice. The flight was about 4-hour long, and we’ve got the most amazing view before landing in Providenciales.

Some of the advantages of flying on a private jet include:

  • No wait, like, at all (15 minutes in advance is perfectly fine).

  • Space. So much space for your legs.

  • Being able to control the cabin temperature. You’re not freezing like on commercial flights.

  • Private luxurious bathroom.

  • Ability to take stuff from your luggage while flying.

  • Chilling in the cockpit with the pilots.

  • Private customs. Private terminal.

  • Everyone gets a window seat.

  • No weight limit for your luggage.

  • No water/liquid restrictions.

  • Catering services.

  • Truly understanding the meaning of the word jetsetter.

I’m really glad I’ve got a glimpse into the life of the rich and famous! I coud definitely get used to it :)

If you had the opportunity to fly on a jet, where would you wanna go to?

Pictured above are some of the places I’d highly recommend visiting while in Turks & Caicos.

From left to right - top to bottom:

  • Club Med Turks & Caicos

  • Las Brisas Restaurant

  • Chalk Sound National Park

  • Grace Bay Beach